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5 Courses

Azure Data Fundamentals
Learning Track: Data Management
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Teacher: Mohammed Shahid

Azure Data Fundamentals

In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. Students will identify and describe core data concepts such as relational, non-relational, big data, and analytics, and explore how this technology is implemented with Microsoft Azure.

SQL Fundamentals
Learning Track: Data Management
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Teacher: Hamad AlfahadTeacher: Mohammed Shahid

SQL Fundamentals

The SQL course will provide the candidates with the opportunity to understand the fundamentals of Structured Query Language and the foundational knowledge  and skills needed to work efficiently with data.

Data Analysis with Python
Learning Track: Data Management
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Teacher: Mohammed Shahid

Data Analysis with Python

In this course, candidates will learn how to analyze and work with data using Python. Hands on exercises are also included which will enable them to create meaningful data visualizations and applications.

Data Science
Learning Track: Data Management
Preview Course

Teacher: Mohammed Shahid

Data Science

This course explores and equips candidates with the concepts and techniques of Data Science needed to level up their knowledge and skills.

Big Data & Application Development
Learning Track: Data Management
Preview Course

Teacher: Mohammed Shahid

Big Data & Application Development

Hands-on Training on Application Development utilizing data analytics